10 hobbies that build confidence and self-esteem in yourself

Running the race of life and taking care of mundane things often makes everyone feel tired and sapped of all energy. In these times, your hobbies can become your savior.

How to build your confidence with new hobbies

Not only do they help you to steer clear of boredom but also let you feel refreshed and recharged by taking a breather and doing something that you are passionate about. But if you think hobbies are just these, think again. Apart from helping you beat boredom and feel happy, certain hobbies also provide a lot of other benefits such as boosting your confidence and self-esteem.

How can you improve your self esteem by trying new things?

In other words, a hobby can

  • turn out to be your creativity vent;
  • help develop the sense of self-efficacy;
  • act as a stress buster and help to cultivate happiness; and
  • help you discover your hidden passion.


Listed below are 10 hobbies that can give your confidence and self-esteem a boost, thus enhancing your overall well-being.


Meditation + Yoga

Meditation+ Yoga


Meditation and yoga channel your mind to inner peace. These enhance will power, concentration and help in boosting the immune system. Meditation significantly lowers depression, stress and anxiety – the key reasons of a restless mind. Elimination of these factors greatly helps in improving concentration, thus increasing your productivity level. This in turn builds your confidence and boosts self-esteem.


Play Puzzle

Play Puzzle

Puzzles are basically brain teasers that have been adopted as hobbies by people from every walk of life across the globe. Though you may sometimes become annoyed at being unable to find the solution to puzzles, their inherent essence and beauty lie in this challenge.Solving puzzles make your brain work continuously, thus making you push the limits of your intellect. Puzzle games and crosswords are both good mind stimulators, which can improve your brain power, confidence and self-esteem.




A hobby that you can pursue in a relaxed and non-competitive environment opens up the creative windows of your mind. You can give the usual paintings and water-color drawings a miss by opting for embroidery instead. By practicing the art a bit and picking some embroidery tips from online websites and pros, you can give your existing clothes a complete new look. Be it t-shirt embroidery or custom embroidery on your caps, quilts, hoodies, work wear and other fabrics, you can create a style statement of your own while giving wings to your creativity.


Learn a New Language

Learn New language

The benefits of learning new languages are multifold – from enhancing communication skills in different languages to giving perception and overall smartness a boost and preventing dementia. Additionally, knowledge of different languages helps significantly in the professional field by expanding and diversifying your career options. Learning a new language on your own may turn out to be daunting task, which is why many tend to leave it midway. Initially, free online classes could be a good solution to get started but if you want to derive some serious benefits out of it, enroll in classes that will help you to obtain a degree, diploma or certificate.


Travel Alone

Travel Alone

If you have a curious bent of mind and are adventurous by nature, traveling alone is one of the best hobbies to pursue. Though traveling alone as a hobby may sounds a little awkward, in reality, interest in solo traveling has skyrocketed over the past few years. Solo traveling brings several benefits your way such as:

  • uplifting your confidence level;
  • letting you enjoy quality “Me Time”;
  • making you a better trip planner; and
  • helping you become a better observer.


Above all, it’ll give you an inexplicable feeling of self-satisfaction that’s unmatched. However, you must not forget the old adage that says “it’s better to be safe than sorry”. So, before packing your bags for a solo trip, conduct a good amount of research on the area that you’re going to visit.


Write Down What You Feel

Write Down What You Feel

Having a goal is obvious for a good life, right? If there is no goal, there wouldn’t be any need to feel motivated. To remain motivated, you’ve to have a mission, a goal that you can try to achieve. Make a list of the things you want to do. It doesn’t matter whether it comprises of gigantic things or miniscule ones. Rather, it’s the presence of a target that matters. Work through the list regularly and give your best shot to achieve those.


Cook (Do Experiments)

Cook (Do Experiments)

Cooking provides three benefits – a great pastime, good health and considerable savings with respect to finances.Instead of eating out regularly, you can buy some simple ingredients and try to cook simple dishes initially. If required, take help of free online cooking courses to hone your cooking skills. Above all, remember that old adage – practice makes a man perfect. The more you cook, the better the food will be.


Give Self Pep-Talk

Give Self Pep-Talk

Positive self pep-talk can turn out to be a great self-booster. A self-talk session should comprise of constructive critiques, compliments, sharing of everyday experiences, reminding the achievements, repeating positive comments received from worthy people and most importantly, boosting your own morale. To avoid monotony, you can try different approaches such as role playing as if you’re talking to a friend.


Contribute Time to Do Social Work

Contribute Time to Do Social Work

Its basic human nature to feel worthy in your own eyes. Helping others, especially the less fortunate ones, is the best way of doing something for the social cause and making yourself feel happy and worthy. So, find time to do social work. You can take small steps to do it on your own like offering food, clothes, or education to a few. Else, you can volunteer for a community cause like cleaning up the neighborhood etc. Joining hands with an NGO is another way to contribute to the society’s well-being. There are many ways of giving back to the society. You just have to keep some time aside for that and at end of the day, you’ll be rewarded by a feeling of enhanced self-worth, having carried out your social responsibility well.


Learn a New Instrument or Dance

Learn a New Instrument or Dance

Playing an instrument is one of the most adopted hobbies across the globe. It not only takes you to a different world but improves fine-motor skills, eye-hand coordination and cognitive development, apart from boosting your IQ. You may even opt for dancing, which is a significantly low-cost hobby that helps you to enjoy your pastime and even stay fit in the process.


Final words

Though hobbies are varied and available aplenty, the above 10 aren’t just pastime activities for fun. They are much more than that. Apart from making you feelhappier, these creative hobbies make you a productive and smarter person. Adopting hobbies can open the door of endless possibilities and get you on the path to enjoying a life that’s worth living. So, take some time out from being cooped in your home watching TV or staying glued to your social media accounts. Pick a hobby that makes you happy and lets you explore interests outside of your mundane routine. With your chosen hobby, you can start walking the road towards living your best life.

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